If you have employees, this presentation is for you! This 1-hour presentation will review the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and provide detailed information on Virginia’s new overtime compensation law that went into effect July 1, 2021. Learn about appropriate classifications of employees, when and how overtime is paid, and what penalties employers can face for violations. This webinar is being presented by two experienced management-side employment lawyers who have decades of experience counseling employers on how to pay employees correctly as well as experience representing employers who made mistakes. You will walk away with tips for improving your workplace compensation programs and have all of your questions answered.
08/17/2021 9:30 amDescription
If you have employees, this presentation is for you! This 1-hour presentation will review the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and provide detailed information on Virginia’s new overtime compensation law that went into effect July 1, 2021. Learn about appropriate classifications of employees, when and how overtime is paid, and what penalties employers can face for violations. This webinar is being presented by two experienced management-side employment lawyers who have decades of experience counseling employers on how to pay employees correctly as well as experience representing employers who made mistakes. You will walk away with tips for improving your workplace compensation programs and have all of your questions answered.

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